Wisdoms of Rose Away With The Birds


Wisdoms of rose bird days

Sometimes Rose couldn’t account for the hours in her day .

Although Rose meets each day with a slight brief, she often drifts off, leaving her with no recollection of time gone astray – and where she was when it went.  She relishes this sweet form of freedom and the fruitful outcomes that arise from times when she does nothing of great significance at all – except maybe concentrating on her breathing.  Long Live Rose.

Footnote:  In a world where the rush to do, to see, to be, is so overwhelming at times, Rose’s footsteps are calm ones to follow – along with her ‘away with the birds’ philosophy that defies the more uptight others view of this being laziness.

(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam 2019 books.  Reposted from 2013).