Rose was very curious about the origin of sadness .
Rose welcomes all forms of feeling with a particular interest in ones of the socially unacceptable kind. She has pioneered many expeditions into the realms of fear, sadness, anger, disillusionment and horrible muddled states of mind with quite profound results and a significant degree of personal resolve. Long Live Rose.
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Rose never looked up to anyone – it saved her feeling small .
Rose has a tendency towards independence of a difficult kind. She is not easily lead and exhibits a strong will to do things her own unusually diverse way. Rose also sprouts a grounded view on equality which often clashes with the viewpoints of those she refused to look up to. Still, she continues to look to herself for divine guidance. Long Live Rose.
(Reposted from 2013. Find Rose in her own pocket book and Clunk & Jam book 2019.

Rose in the Street Library in Kojonup Park (Western Australia)

Rose was free from the labour of smiling .
Rose is void of any necessity to feel something she doesn’t – like eternal happiness. She’s actually quite comfortable within a full and complex range of emotions and how, where and when they may appear on her face, in mind – or in public. Rose feels no obligation to make miraculous recoveries from emotional disturbances either. Long Live Rose.
Footnote: Imagine if more people felt more comfortable saying how they really felt, and more people felt more comfortable listening to (and accepting) how others feel. We might all feel a little better – and less uncomfortable about feeling (and revealing) our true emotions.
(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam, 2019 books. Reposted from 2013).

Rose liked to save the flowers from dying .
Rose enjoys rendering her world with things of great visual delight. She spends lengthy periods absorbed in personal and worldly examination, surrounded by things of great beauty, interest and pleasure, all of which assist in easing the trespassing of time – and the invasion of unfortunate thoughts. Long Live Rose.
Footnote: Rose is an independent promoter of self acceptance (and indulgence); a star in self development; and a high minder of her own identity. She stands supremely comfortable in herself, resolved and content on her own path – and free from any expectation to be liked or followed. Her stories read like a dream school report, with a quirky twist and streak of Rose’s signature deadpan humour.
(Reposted from 2013. Wisdoms of Rose book published in 2018. Find Rose in her Clunk & Jam 2019.)

Rose was a complete stranger to rejection because she never gave anything away – and what she had wasn’t up for grabs .
Rose keeps close to chest the many varied and precious pieces that make up her belongings – and herself. This commitment and loyalty she exhibits ensures Rose remains a one and only, high creative traveler of poetic and art-filled paths – to wherever she happens to arrive. Long Live Rose.
(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam, 2019 book. Reposted from 2013)