Bags The Back Seat


army of ink bags the back seat 

Footnote:   Not everyone is confident socially.  And if you’re someone who is comfortable in their own company, often others aren’t comfortable with that.  And a lot of kids get bullied because they don’t fit in too.   The ultimate place to get to perhaps if you’re a ‘Bags the back seat’ person is being quietly confident, solidly grounded in your own place – despite the reactions and views of those around us.

Society generally looks down on the ‘loner’ too.  Those who are different, those who live in their own quiet company.  And for those who like all the attention, there’s something unsettling, almost threatening, about the quiet observer—one who looks on.  Doesn’t join in.   This ‘Ink’ also raises questions about position and status.  What comes to mind are things like, ‘working your way to the top’, ‘climbing the ladder’,  ‘securing the lead role’, being ‘top of the class’, ‘first over the line’, ‘making it to the top’ and ‘rising star’.  And you’ll have more of your own to add.  But the back seat has it’s advantages, particularly the seat on the isle – at least have the freedom to get up and leave.

(Reposted from 2009.   Originally in ‘Rock The Boat’ book, 2009.  Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019.)