Army of ink Secrets Out



Do you tell ? 

It’s big.  And if it lands on you, you’ll be crushed.  We’ll be crushed.  They I say it.  There.  It’s out.  And it doesn’t fall.  It flies.  And we watch it.  And it’s beautiful – because it’s free.

 Footnote:  Be very careful who you tell.  Tell only when you’re ready to tell.  When it’s safe to tell.  Question the intention of the telling.   The possible fall out from the telling.   Choose a medium or process that holds you (and your story) as you tell – words, song, poem, image.  Consider who might be able to help you catch it if ends up being bigger than you thought? Or maybe the secret is better kept than free?

The Black Dog Project came to life in 2006 with a theme ‘What’s your secret…’.  The Project featured stories from people who wanted to share their experience with others.   Black Dog has since ceased this theme and role due to the complicated nature (and painful experience) of telling our truth – particularly so publicly through an on-line medium.  It also lead to the withdrawal of the book, ‘In My Room’, a book within I told my truth, and in telling it so publicly – rocked the boat.