Army of Ink – Out The Bad Apples


army of ink 95 garbage bag and bad apples


Sometimes you have to find a way of separating the badness from your self .

There are so many of us who have been given a bad apple.  It is the worst thing in the world to receive.   Just like having a bad apple in your bag, it rots – eventually ruining everything.  This little soldier has a story about ‘outing’ bad apples – and rising from the ruin …..

… Someone put a bad apple in her bag once, and although she was sure people could tell something was wrong, she didn’t show anyone the apple because it was so bad – and she worried it would make them feel bad too.

The little girl’s greatest fear became that if she ever took the bad apple out, or someone discovered it, they wouldn’t want her anymore.  They’d think she was bad.  She forever longed for someone to  get rid of the bad apples for her.

On most days, she wished the bad apples had been put in someone else’s bag.

So, as the little girl grew up, she got used to taking the bad apples people gave her.  It wasn’t that she liked or wanted or asked for them – she was afraid more bad things would happen if she refused them.  She also feared what people would think of her if they knew about the badness she kept hidden.

Sometimes she’d open the bag a little to see how people would react.  Some people offered to help her sort out the good apples from the bad apples – others weren’t so kind.  Some didn’t believe her.  Some questioned why she hadn’t removed the bad apples long ago.  This made her feel ashamed and more to blame for accepting the apples in the first place and not being able to say, ‘NO’ – or to make the badness stop.

Eventually there was no more room left for the little girl.  She became stuck and mixed up in all the badness.   She longed for goodness and didn’t understand badness.  She needed a helping hand and reached for the only one she could find – her own.

Placing a loving hand upon her heart, she made a pledge …

To separate and save her self from the badness.

To no longer carry the shame and responsibility of the badness.

To stand solid in the truth of who the badness belongs to.

To not allow the badness to forever harm her.

And … to never, ever, harm her good deserving self.


T H E    E N D  (of bad apples).


(Reposted from 9th June, 2014)

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