Army of Ink Little Star


army of ink twinkle twinkle

Little Star .

When the lights go out I cannot see, but when I sit alone in the dark with the glow of real stars above, the warmth of the distance soothes the longing to be close.  Now, when I go out into the woods at night, it’s not a star that will grant me my wish -it will be my own candle glowing in the dark.

Footnote:   This little soldier is originally from the Rock The Boat handmade book.  Which is what often happens when you endeavor to make personal change.  Or when you tell the truth. It ‘rocks the boat’.  The small, feathery space where she sits calmly with a single lit candle might suggest a quiet, personal vigil.   One that reminds her to value herself and the small space and life she’s so painstakingly created.  A space that keeps her protected from harm – her world snugly contained.  Allows her to control when the ‘lights go out’ rather than the onset of darkness being manipulated by those around her.

I get the sense that she isn’t comfortable being seen either – nor does she sit comfortably with what she sees.  She’s quite fragile (with no desire to be less so) but her fragility and sensitivity does require her to limit overstimulating environments and make careful choices about where she places herself.   She also feels quite intensely the relentless assault of the modern world – and those she wishes would leave her alone.  From this experience however, she has learned how to come to her own rescue.  She has made self reliance her faith.  All of this being strong and independent business however, takes great effort and to counter this, she has to make time to regularly immerse herself in nature and things good for her – which helps to restore her energy and put overwhelming things into a more bite size perspective.

(Find her in Clunk & Jam book, 2019).