Wisdoms of Rose Holding On
Rose was accustomed to more – but settle for one none-the-less.
Rose finds decision making difficult, so she limits her choices to alleviate herself from the tiresome chore of selection. The fact that this leaves her with very little, is of no great loss to Rose – she has (and is), enough. Long Live Rose.
Footnote: The virtue of being small is not one of popularity, but in a world that’s constantly promoting big, and potentially making us feel more insignificant, we have to champion a little harder for the small stuff. And with consumerism and mass media constantly knocking, our lives can potentially become a merry-go-round of decision making. Even if it’s the conscious decision not to buy into it. This Rose seems aware of the trappings of ‘wanting more’ yet holds firmly onto her single cone. She settles for less and feels so much more for it.
(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam, 2019 books. Reposted from 2013).