Recipe For Dreaming


recipe for dreaming


A Recipe For Dreaming (from a two dollar book) .

“Take one dream.  Dream it in detail.  Put it into your own hands.  See its final outcome clearly in your mind.  Then mix it with a little effort and add a generous portion of self-discipline.  Flavour it with a wholesome pinch of ambition.  Stir briskly with confidence until the mixture becomes clear, the doubt separated from the resolution.  Then bake at an even temperature in a moderate mind until the dream rises and is firm to the touch.  Decorate with individuality.  Cut into generous portions and serve with justifiable pride.  Approached in this manner, life is a piece of cake.  Good luck?  Is what almost always comes to those who use the recipe for dreaming and, having dreamed their dream, never, never give up until they have it.”  Bryce Courtenay.

Find in Clunk & Jam book.