
June 28, 2016 - For Rubbish Self Esteem


ruby etc


Origin and artist unknown.

May 17, 2016 - Long Live Books


April 11, 2016 - Different Types


mary and max


(Reposted from 2011)

March 22, 2016 - Eating Disorder Conference Perth



Hope & Healing .

I’ll be presenting ‘Hope & Healing Through Art & Stories – The Black Dog Project’ at an eating disorders conference, 29-30th March, 2016 at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle for professionals, family members, carers and consumers.    See information here.  Or phone 9340 7711.  Organised by the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Eating Disorders Program & Bridges Eating Disorders Association of WA.



(Artwork from book, ‘In My Room’).

March 21, 2016 - Small Difference


Kimya Dawson … a girl comfy in her difference.  (Reposted from 2012)

March 20, 2016 - Army of Ink Monkey Grip


army of ink girl hanging monkey bars

Sometimes people tell me what to see – but I know what I saw.

Footnote:  As a kid, I used to hang upside down on the monkey bars, get a swing up and then release my legs, flip and land on my feet in the soft white sand – like a cat.   This ink could be about about hanging on with a firm grip on of all that might be pulling her off in a direction that’s not her own.   And evoking that feeling of release that comes from the moment when she trusts in herself so strongly that she lets go and flies …

(Reposted from 2010.  In Clunk & Jam, 2019 book)