
May 22, 2024 - Wisdoms of Rose Origin of Sadness


Wisdoms of Rose origin of sadness

Rose was very curious about the origin of sadness .

Rose welcomes all forms of feeling with a particular interest in ones of the socially unacceptable kind.  She has pioneered many expeditions into the realms of fear, sadness, anger, disillusionment and horrible muddled states of mind with quite profound results and a significant degree of personal resolve.  Long Live Rose.

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December 12, 2023 - Street Art Stories

Stories are at the center of everything.  The most powerful and potentially debilitating being the ones inside our head.  The stories we tell ourselves.  The erosive stories we’ve been told.  Stories formed from our experiences.  That’s why it’s so vital we have access to and seek out alternative stories that give us strength and hope.  Help us realise our full potential.  Particularly our children and young people.


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November 10, 2023 - King of Kindness


Max Recracker


Kindness makes a difference … and you may not receive anything in return for your kindness – but don’t let that stop you being kind.  We all know how good it feels when we experience kindness.  And how on a bad day, it can turn things around. Revive our faith in the world.  And it’s not always obvious who’s struggling.  And if you are, coming up against someone who is being unkind can feel like the last straw.  And that straw isn’t always outwardly visible.  So it’s just safer for everyone if we all just be kinder.

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October 28, 2023 - Army of Ink Ride In A Pumpkin


army of ink ride in pumpkin


Sometimes I Wish I Wasn’t Me .

This little soldier finally realised that being the fairest isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and looking up to stars can be dangerous – especially when they fall.  And that ‘way up high’, ‘over the rainbow’ and ‘climbing the ladder’ are sometimes dangerous places to try and reach.  And too far away to possibly get there on time.

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October 20, 2023 - I Think I Can


boy little red engine


And the Little Engine said;  “I think I can.  I think I can.”

‘The Little Engine That Could’ is a folktale originating from 1906 used to teach children the value of optimism and hard work.  The underlying theme is a stranded train unable to find an engine willing to take it on over the difficult terrain to its destination.  Only the little blue engine is willing to try and, while repeating the ‘I think I can’ mantra, overcomes a seemingly impossible task.

A good story to ride on when things seem impossible.  And a reminder of the importance of little blue engines in life.

BOy Series, 2009.  Similar posts in BOY Topic in Blog & featured in Clunk & Jam book.  Reposted from June 2021.


October 12, 2023 - Robin Small Walks


Robin Small on river walking path below Goolugatup/Heathcote lowerlands (Perth, Western Australia)