
May 7, 2014 - Woeful Hope


no hope


Newspaper reads….”Disaster, woe and all dysfunctions great and small.”  Laughter is such good medicine.  Art by Leunig 

March 12, 2014 - Courage to Write



Paul Jennings, an author well known to young readers, talks about rejection; losing (and finding again) the confidence to write; fame; and boys wanting to fly.  (Interview by Dumbo Feather, a magazine).

February 20, 2014 - Onslaught

The above campaign was released back in 2007 but it still sends an accurate message about our toxic culture and media, and of the cleverness and manipulative nature of advertising.  But let’s not be  fooled …..this beauty product company’s ultimate agenda is to sell more beauty products to us from the exposure this campaign gave them -and the feel good it gives viewers.  And yes, posting this, gives more exposure but alongside a message about critical thinking.


January 3, 2014 - Time is Now


patti smith


For a woman that was the embodiment of the golden era, Poet and Singer Patti Smith resists the pull of the past, instead inhabiting the space between now and tomorrow… “I believe that we, that this planet, hasn’t seen its golden age.  Everybody says it’s finished…art’s finished, rock and roll is dead.  God is dead.  Fuck that!  This is my chance in the world … If only each generation would realise that the time for greatness is right now when they’re alive.  The time to flower is now.”


December 23, 2013 - Fake or Make


real and ideal


Real or Ideal .

Wonder …. if unhappiness was the distance between the real and ideal?    If happiness doesn’t come from having more, doing more, being more – but in questioning (and not buying into) what is being sold to us as the ‘ideal’?   Try applying ‘real and ideal’ to these ….life, relationship, family, self, job, income, holiday, expectation.  Perhaps a remedy for disappointment?     Photo source.

December 16, 2013 - Pornography is a Bitch



This controversial video sees Lily poking fun at our sexed up world – and if your kids are watching music video shows or cruising social media and the internet, it’s guaranteed they’ll be getting some of these kind of messages about sex.  See previous post about ‘world proofing our children’ in ‘Must Watch’.