
December 5, 2011 - Burn Your Name



November 17, 2011 - Army of Ink Me Jane


army of ink me jane

Me Jane .  

Dangling in a moment of vulnerability, out of her jungle mind came a thought…3 thoughts actually…Could she make it without the BOy?  Did she have to take such a wild and dangerously dependent leap—after all?  And was it really that difficult and frightening to just let go?

This swinging ink has layer upon layer of meaning to sit and wonder about—like…. Is she really swinging up high or is this a trick?  Is her foot in fact, firmly planted on the ground?  Is she clinging for her life at the mercy of the rope (or the BOy), or has she taken a firm grip to put a stop all this swinging business?   And what is this swinging business about anyway?  Which way is she going?  Back?  Forward?  Nowhere right now?  Or has she finally landed in her very own spot?   Is the rope attached?  Is it all about to uncoil leaving her in a heap?   Or is it going to lift her up, whoosh her away from whatever it is she’s so afraid of right now?  To be continued no doubt …..


November 6, 2011 - Who Kicked A Hole In The Sky


hole in sky

hole in the sky

September 28, 2011 - Pay It Forward


pay_it_forward 4


Pay it Forward is a movie about a boy who comes up with a dead simple idea and it takes on a life of its own.  Just imagine.  You do a favour that really helps someone and tell him or her not to pay it back, but pay it forward to three other people, who in turn, each pay it forward to three more – and on and on into a global outpouring of kindness and decency.   Kevin Spacey’s pitch of the assignment to his junior high class goes …


Pay It Forward


“You’re stuck right here in the 7th grade but not forever because one day you’ll be free.  (Class cheers).  What if on that day you’re free you haven’t prepared.  You’re not ready.  And you look around you and you don’t like what the world is.   So what if the world is just a big disappointment?  Student answers; “We’re screwed”.  Unless.  Unless you take the things that you don’t like about this world and you flip them upside down, right on their arse.

And you can start that today.  This is your assignment.  Think of an idea to change our world – and put it into ACTION!  What’s wrong?  Students answer; “It’s so weird”.  “Crazy”.  “Hard”.    Teacher says; How about possible?  It’s possible.  The realm of possibility exists where?  In each of you.  Here (points to head).”

September 25, 2011 - Catch a Moment



carpark orchestra image


Car Park Orchestra .

Opening doors.  Parking.  Leaving.  Synchronised shapes.  Orchestra of Friday night light.  Flash and twinkle.  Little rag doll girl in back seat woken.  Draped upon shoulder.  Lights close.  Night closes.  Trolleys retreat.  Take-away arrives.  Moment dissolves.

Footnote:   Image from CD Sigur Ros. Poem written to track three playing in car called, ‘Hoppipolk’.

September 18, 2011 - Mind’s Scream


caught in mime


Caught In Mime .

Wonder….why it is easier to crash, than to stop.   Why a smile is easier to dredge across face, than to allow a tear to roll.  A fear to tumble.  Why to fake is easier, than to exhibit a flaw.  Why the spin holds  tighter than the stillness of your own place.  Why silence roars and the mind’s scream is caught in mime.

(Drawing Harley Manifold.)