Search results for ‘robin small’

October 12, 2023 - Robin Small Walks


Robin Small on river walking path below Goolugatup/Heathcote lowerlands (Perth, Western Australia)

September 18, 2022 - Robin Small Rocks


robin small rocks


Robin Small felt the turmoil on indecision in the balls of his feet as he rocked to – Will I?  Won’t I?

Footnote:  Sometimes when there are no answers, sitting it out for a while and taking some time makes good sense.   And sometimes things  never make sense but Robin’s ‘rocking’ seems to suggest he’s not stuck.  He’s working things out – in his own time.  Maybe he’s just wondering?  And wondering (or daydreaming) is so often perceived as ‘doing nothing’.  Nothing of value anyway.  But it’s where ideas come from.   It’s how we gain a deeper sense of things and their meaning –  that others might just pass on by. 

(Robin Small, Clunk & Jam, Second Edition 2019)


October 29, 2021 - Robin Small – Wearing The Hurts


robin small arrows


‘Robin Small wandered wide in avoidance of – all things hard to touch.’

(Reposted from 9.10.2018)

Footnote:  The initial thread of Robin’s story ‘avoidance of all things hard to touch’, might elude to the trouble he has getting close, or being close with others.  Touching – or being touched.  Feeling the pain of loss or disappointment.  His avoidance of feeling things at all?  Maybe Robin Small finds it difficult to connect with things deep within himself?   But maybe he’s also contemplating taking a small step towards trusting again – taking a risk?

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October 25, 2018 - Introducing Robin Small



Introducing Robin Small 

His future lay unbound….Although inspired by the Super Hero of ancient times, Robin Hood, Robin Small is not the crusading sort, he’s more of an outsider who is simply heroic in his own time. He is apprehensive within the modern world, yet stands firmly in his vulnerability. He is wise and brave in his own life and journey – and the steps he takes towards a future of his own making.

Find Robin Small in Clunk & Jam book 2019.


(Reposted from 2014)

October 23, 2018 - Robin Small Held Tight


robin small bow

Held tight by a constant hesitation, for a time, Robin’s world remained unchanged – as did he.

Footnote:   Robin seems to be a quietly brave lad, who may have undisclosed or hidden doubts and fears.   Maybe he’s standing still and taking his own time to work things out?  Maybe he’s not ready to go anywhere right now?   Do anything?

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October 20, 2018 - Robin Small Stands Alone


robin small hands


Robin Small was unbearably awkward in pubic and so began the battle of – what to do with hands .

Footnote:  Not everyone sits comfortably in the world or in social situations.   Which isn’t a weakness.  Simply a difference.  It’s brave to explore where you feel you ‘fit’ in in the world.  To not deviate under the pressure to conform.


Robin Small in book, Clunk & Jam (2019).