Army of Ink Mind Your Language


army of ink smily face 3


What’s with all the smiley faces – things are not really that great.

The one thing she disliked most was false optimism  🙂   And it was making its mark everywhere, particularly in emails and text messages  🙂  Sometimes people even shouted happiness :)!!! But was all this just a disguise?  Were people really that happy  :/  She sensed the world increasingly turning away from those who weren’t feeling all that happy right now 🙁   Opting for the pretense of living fairy tale lives:)  That made her feel sad.  🙁   As did the effect of so many colons and wrong way brackets consuming a perfectly good language.

See this Rose who is free from the labor of smiling.  This Rose about dealing with all matters of the emotional kind.  This Rose is curious about the origin of sadness.

(Clunk & Jam book 2019)