
November 21, 2013 - Off My Wave


off my wave


Off My Wave .

There is nothing to warrant celebration within the realm of the pain and suffering of others.  No badge to be pinned by those who, with all good intention, fly the flag for those of us who suffer conditions of mind and circumstances of life that test our will to live.

Look to those of us who’ve been turned away for solutions to prevent our end, for only we know what helps to soothe the hurting and raise the eyelids to hope.

We lie unnoticed in the shadows of those with the loud voices, the big campaigns, the egotistical solutions they devise to resolve our painful existence – offer us light.

Those who live in brightness do not see, feel and understand the beauty and sense of consolation the darkness offers those who ride its wave.

Talk you may, but in a whisper that is sensitive to the shame we feel, the secrets we carry, and the space within which our hurting souls cling.

Where we swing between the end and being offered some surprising, warm, kind thing upon which to be gently lifted from our descent, and openly embraced in all our sorrow and sadness.

(Lithograph by Thomas Hart Benton titled, ‘Goin’ Home’, 1937 from Lapham’s Quarterley Magazine Winter 2012.)


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November 15, 2013 - Art Dose


Young in love.InkJesús Arnau 2013


Jesús ArnauThe young hermaphrodite …. Visit MONA Tumblr for a dose of Art.

November 8, 2013 - When Being Blue is About Being you

When Blue is Being You

Art by  Sungwon.

Just thought this was such a hopeful image – full of story and no doubt you’ll have your own.  I think finding our way out of past experiences and ways of being is a bit like this.  But I like the way the girl has found her own colour.  And how the strong colour blue makes the swirling ghost people pale into less significant, less resistant (pushy) influences.  You get the feeling she’s communicating with these guys and sorting things out.  Check out Sungwon’s work – it’s beautiful.  Pass it on…..

When blue is being you books


November 6, 2013 - Think You Want


really want

Do you want what you think you want ?

Why is it that we feel so pressured and pushed to seek more?  Do more?  Be more?  Do big and incredible things.  Reach for ‘up there’.  What if your ‘self’ is more content in place than size?  Is actually repelled by what everyone else wants.  What they have and seek.  Isn’t simply being as close to real and true to yourself an applaudable mark of personal success?  Isn’t that the greatest thing you could hope to find – and give.  To tread your own path and not on others on your way – being kind in life and journey?  To STOP.  Think.  Question.  Not conform.  To have little or no idea where you’re going but have enough of that childlike sense of wonder to embrace the mystery.  Explore.  Be free of the constraint of;  “When I grow up I want to be….”  And just be?  Which brings us back to the question…. “Do you want what you think you want?”   Picture by Maurice Sendak who wrote and illustrated the book, ‘Where the wild things are’.


November 5, 2013 - The Write Place


car body poetry


Wrote The Black Dog Story on a car body in the desert in the middle of Australia, on the Great Central Road.

(From Clunk & Jam book pictured bottom centre.)


November 5, 2013 - BOy Fishing

boy fishing

(New Age BOy Series, Clunk & Jam book).