
October 18, 2009 - Anybody – Somebody ?


IMAGE knock knock

Knock Knock .

Designed the ‘Knock, Knock’ campaign postcard for Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2007 (WA) as part of Black Dog’s involvement in the Bridges Eating Disorders Collaboration Committee here in Perth, which brings together key service providers and stakeholders in the community with the aim of improving both services and awareness of eating disorders.    The Butterfly Foundation (VIC) recently initiated a National Collaboration Group which brings together relevant and interested parties throughout Australia. .

October 16, 2009 - Army of Ink Little Black Duck



army of ink little black duck


Little Black Duck .

Mary doesn’t go around anymore, preferring the swamp to the lake.  Where one is not laced in ribbons and bows, or stood up like pretty maids all in a row.  And ducks are not ugly because they wear black.  Jacks can be Jills –  Jills can be Jacks.  

When Mary accepted she was different – she could get away with being herself … and even if she didn’t fit it – she still had a place.


(Clunk & Jam book, 2019)

October 8, 2009 - Book tails


BLOG book man


Did you know … books were never designed to stand on their tails.  According to the very unique, Douglas Firth from Biblio Folio; “As more and more books were produced in the 13th and 14th centuries, storage problems caused a change from laying books on their back covers to standing them on their tails.  This is now normal but little consideration has ever been given to the engineering modifications needed.  A medieval binding will stand up for some time before the text block collapses due to its over engineered structure, but a modern dictionary, atlas etc with all its ‘binding refinements’ certainly will not.  Ironically medieval bindings were stored lying down and modern bindings are stored standing!”

September 29, 2009 - Art of Stormie Mills

BLOG stormy

Stormie  is a Perth based artist who started out with graffiti and street art.    

September 22, 2009 - Away with the pixels




Thank you to Che, Mike, Kareen and Eion (Melbourne) for so generously redesigning The Black Dog Project website (2009) and fund raising over $4,000 which enabled books to be given to young people at Youth Focus.   Thanks so very much to those who donated on the night.

August 23, 2009 - The Turtle Club

BLOG turtle

The Turtle Club .

They arrived burdened by an unbearable load, for they had traveled an unenviable road.  Harmed by acts we profess not to condone, young lives who once retreated in silence – alone.  Courageously they cast off dark toughened shells, spoke untold truths in a place safe to tell.  Hurting hearts and troubled souls they bared, free from eyes of judgement – downward glares.

Group strength resonated to fill every inch, as they confronted experiences that would make even the toughest skins flinch.  Like soldiers returning from a war over and won, a close circle  formed- movement begun.  Held safely by newly opened hands outreached, wise souls unite to soothe and to teach.

Raw emotion spilling freely into unclenched fists, supported in moments of pain – moments of bliss.  They discovered a realm where they could openly weep.   Safe beds that held them while they peacefully sleep.  They shared stories and direction towards new places to begin.  Revealed personal gifts – untapped potential within.  Cushioned by kindness fresh insight they saw, felt intimacy – a level of  trust not experienced before.

Dripping tears were caught not from sadness alone, but an unfamiliar warmth that moved  them deep to the bone.  They faced conflict without violence, forced silence – savage blows.  Experienced peaceful resolve through self expression -having a go.  Now awakened from experiences once too painful to look, they prepare to step from their new-found nook.   Each returning to softer linings within their cleansed shells.  Now they stand – where once they fell.

Footnote:  Written in 2008 about the young people on Youth Focus camps.  Art from ‘Collected’ exhibition, produced and collected by and in memory of Sonny Leong.