
June 20, 2014 - Go At Your Own Pace


chet faker



June 12, 2014 - It’s Not All About You


What about me book 2


“According to current thinking, anyone who fails to succeed must have something wrong with them. The pressure to achieve and be happy is taking a heavy toll, resulting in a warped view of the self, disorientation, and despair. People are lonelier than ever before.  Verhaeghe shows the profound impact that social change is having on mental health, even affecting the nature of the disorders from which we suffer……”    (Book review from ‘Readings’ , a Melbourne based independent bookstore.)

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June 8, 2014 - Curtsy To Me



“She’s on the cusp, before the shell of womanly politeness, meekness, quietness hardens over her.  It’s the female tragedy; that we all close over, become someone else; someone who others expect us to be.   This little girl’s vividness is blazing, raw, unchecked, beautiful.  The clip ends with a knowing curtsy, as if to say:  “I’m so much more than what you think I am.”  Words by Nikki Gemmell, Weekend Australian Magazine, about the video featuring an 11 year old dancer.

May 30, 2014 - Art of Going Slow



May 19, 2014 - Music – A Religion





Keep pushing elephants up the stairs.

March 12, 2014 - Courage to Write



Paul Jennings, an author well known to young readers, talks about rejection; losing (and finding again) the confidence to write; fame; and boys wanting to fly.  (Interview by Dumbo Feather, a magazine).