
October 9, 2014 - Canned Kindness


BLOG kindness


“KINDNESS has no sell-by date.  It doesn’t have to be packaged, perfumed or prettified.  It is just the most magnificent expression of all that makes us whole and human.  Only the KIND should be listened to in our world.”     John Bird, Author and Editor, The Big Issue UK.  Image from A Revolution of Kindess book by Anita Roddick.

(Reposted from 2009)

October 2, 2014 - Weapon of Mass Destruction



August 21, 2014 - Do ‘Might Fail’


do might fail

do might fail type 2

Art by Nedko Solakov’s from book, ’99 Fears’.  Quote by  Seth Godin (interview from latest edition of Dumbo Feather magazine.

June 29, 2014 - Dance To Your Own Beat



June 20, 2014 - Go At Your Own Pace


chet faker



June 12, 2014 - It’s Not All About You


What about me book 2


“According to current thinking, anyone who fails to succeed must have something wrong with them. The pressure to achieve and be happy is taking a heavy toll, resulting in a warped view of the self, disorientation, and despair. People are lonelier than ever before.  Verhaeghe shows the profound impact that social change is having on mental health, even affecting the nature of the disorders from which we suffer……”    (Book review from ‘Readings’ , a Melbourne based independent bookstore.)

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