
December 7, 2012 - Head To The Place


this must be the place

this must be the place type


November 6, 2012 - Tick Tock


Tick Tock


Every Day Is Yours To Win .  (REM song from album ‘Collapse Into Now)

With the walk and the talk and the tick tock clock.  With the rock and the roll and the bridge and the toll.  With the brilliance and the light and the stink and the fight.  And the road ahead of you, I cannot tell a lie, it’s not all cherry pie.  But it’s all there waiting for you, yeah you.  With the warp and the wooze and the subterfuge, does it all look bitter and blue?  Well I’m nothing but confused with nothing left to lose and if you buy that, I’ve got a bridge for you.  Every day is new again.  Every day is yours to win.  And that’s how heroes are made.  I wanted to win.  So I said it again; that’s how heroes are made.

October 23, 2012 - The Arrival of Clunk & Jam (1st Edition)


clunk and jam book


‘Clunk & Jam’ has arrived.  Three years in the making.  Hand typed on an old typewriter.  Printed locally with vegetable base ink and stitch bound (in Perth, Western Australia).  Kind contribution of cover art by Stormie Mills and other contributed art by Harley Manifold within.


Studio photo clunk and jam


The making of Clunk & Jam (at home above).

August 16, 2012 - A scarecrow, a magpie and treason



It has a surprisingly happy ending.

June 1, 2012 - Why Have Our Children Stopped Dancing


The Black Dog Project Conference Talk at Asia Pacific Conference on Mental Health – Perth Convention Centre June 11-13, 2012.  

This presentation provides a snapshot of the outcomes of a Government funded pilot study into the effectiveness of The Black Dog Project website and print resources used as both a counselling tool by Health Professionals, and as a personal aid and direct line of support for children, young people and families dealing with personal and mental health struggles.  The study was initiated by the WA Association of Mental Health and conducted by Founder of The Black Dog Project, Janine Browne and Researcher, Dr Caroling Bulsara from University of Western Australia.

December 5, 2011 - Burn Your Name