
August 10, 2020 - The Red Hand Files



Something beautiful on the internet here at The Red Hand FilesNick Cave answers fans questions.   ‘What is shyness?”.  “How long will I be alone?”  “How do you stop fearing the end of the world?”  “What are your plans for the Corona pandemic?”

Nick Cave: “We all needed to draw ourselves back to a state of wonder.  My way was to write myself there … but I also realised that I was not alone in my grief and that many of you were, in one way or another, suffering your own sorrows, your own griefs.  I felt this in our live performances.  I felt very acutely that a sense of suffering was the connective tissue that held us all together.”    Like postcards from an old friend, the letters on The Red Hand Files invite us to pause, look up and savour life.


One More Time With Feeling documentary.


July 28, 2020 - Melbourne Street Musician


Photography Julian Kingma.



Natalie Trayling’s story is one of triumph over tragedy – and the power of music to hold and change lives.   (Found in Weekend Australian Magazine).

Not owning a piano, Natalie would go into the David Jones store in Melbourne city.  For years she was a fixture there.  But few knew that each night, Natalie disappeared onto the streets, often sleeping in parks and gardens, until dawn when David Jones store opened for her to play again.

A Mother of four children,  Natalie’s daughter Kerin was killed in a car accident outside the family home when she was just six years old.  Her youngest child Nathan, a promising junior sportsman, suffered depression and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Her second daughter, Jo-Ann, died from cystic fibrosis.  In a final, cruel blow, the family home they’d all once happily shared burnt to the ground.  For the past two decades Natalie has chosen to live and share her life’s work on the streets of Melbourne, for no money and no fanfare.  (Natalie is originally from Perth,Western Australia and graduated from Santa Maria College with a diploma of music at the age of 17. )  See article by Sue Sethurst,  here.  Her son Matthew has recorded her music here.

June 17, 2020 - Gigantic Change

Extinction Rebellion – The Gigantic Change from Passion Animation Studios on Vimeo.

June 12, 2020 - Night Has Always Pushed Up Day


night has always pushed up day


After The Storm .   (Mumford & Sons)

And after the storm, I run and run as the rains come.  And I look up, I look up.  On my knees and out of luck, I look up.  Night has always pushed up day.  You must know life to see decay.  But I won’t rot, I won’t rot.  Not this mind and not this heart, I won’t rot.  And I took you by the hand.  And we stood tall.  And remembered our own land, what we stood for.  And there will come a time, you’ll see, with no more tears.  And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.  Get over your hill and see what you’ll find there. With grace in your heart, and flowers in your hair.  And now I cling to what I knew.  I saw exactly what was true.  But oh no more.  That’s why I hold with all I have.  That’s why I hold.

Amelia Bloom – Home & Peace Maker.

June 10, 2020 - 40,000 years of connectedness

In this documentary, Aboriginal elder Bob Randall poignantly explains why his people are now struggling in a modern world and what needs to be done for them to move forward.   Bob has also written a book called ‘Songman – the story of an aboriginal elder’ published by ABC Books.   What’s also of interest is the story behind the making of Kanyini – of film maker Melanie Hogan.  The documentary and her story are on the Kanyini website and also in Issue 8 of Dumbo Feather magazine.   

(Reposted from 2009) 

June 9, 2020 - Toast To Difference