
August 4, 2018 - Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast


Alice (from Wonderland) tells her Mad Hatter friend her Uncle told her to wish for 6 impossible things before breakfast.  With this in her tiny pocket she slays the Jabberwocky and everyone lives happily ever after – and we may not, but let us vow not to be beaten by Jabberwockys and impossible things for that matter.


Boy wished for impossible things….


impossible boy fighting

….adults grew up and stopped fighting.



impossible boy road toll

Roads didn’t take their toll and the sky could breathe again.



impossible boy road toll

Mother nature didn’t get so angry.



impossible boy goodnights

Homes were homes and goodnight’s were safe.



impossible boy old days

Morning brought back the good ol’ days.




impossible things

He was invisible to the world and it to him – and tears were allowed to flow as freely as oil and concrete.


(Clunk & Jam book).

July 25, 2018 - Robin Small Answers


robin small answers


Robin Small struggled to find what seemed so forever elusive – the answer .

Footnote:  Robin seems to hold a flag for the sense of wonder and mystery that was more afforded in years gone by, than in our world today.   Answers don’t always come easy, and sometimes there aren’t answers to everything.  But Robin, although struggling, doesn’t seem (entirely) defeated by the struggle.  Or the elusiveness of answers.  He’s tentative?  Undecided?  Maybe ready to step or move?  And those new paths often open up from not giving up when there seems no answer, but by having the determination to keeping seeking and exploring and examining what doesn’t make sense.   Responding in your own way to whatever uncertainty arises and whatever struggle arises from it?

Clunk & Jam book (2019)

July 3, 2018 - Robin Small Wells


robin small wells

As choices lay before him, Robin whirled in the – well, well, well.

Footnote:  Robin appears to be in a zone of great uncertainty – and cautiousness.   He could be anticipating the next step?    The ‘well, well, well’ could suggest he’s weary of the waiving finger of disapproval?  Or maybe the ‘well, well, well’ relates to a discovery he has made?

Find Robin Small in Clunk & Jam book (2019)

April 18, 2018 - Winner On The Dance Floor



Billy Elliot danced towards his dream, despite poverty, oppression, bullying and male stereotyping.  

November 20, 2017 - BOy Pretending


boy pretended


And what if a BOy stops pretending he’s fine?  What if a BOy cries?   Lets out the worry?   Says he’s scared?  Puts his hand up for help?   Why should he be called a sook, a pussy, pansy, poofter, sissy or EMO?   Why do they tell him to pull himself together, keep his chin up, soldier on, tough it out – not to worry because … you’ll be right mate?   Finding words can be hard for a BOy, so is finding his feelings –  showing them even harder.    But if it’s really so hard for a BOy to talk and feel and cry – doesn’t that make the BOy who does –  tougher than all the other BOys? 

So let’s champion for a new age BOy who has learnt that more is lost in war than won and fighting his own battle; conquering his own fears and demons; freeing himself from the silence and pretending will be this greatest victory – and contribution to the world.

(BOy Series, Clunk & Jam book 2019)

November 6, 2017 - Super What?


Super what dog


The life of a Super hero.  Artist Andreas Englund says;

“I wanted to let people get to know the man behind the mask and tell his story uncensored. My superhero is far from perfect but that doesn’t mean he is isn’t good.  He’s just human.  Perfect people is just boring and predictable and who wants that?”


super what man