
September 22, 2023 - Street Art In Gallery


Boots The Clown.

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September 12, 2023 - Robin In The Pines


Robin Small street art Piney Lakes (Perth, Western Australia).


Boots in Kadidjiny Park (Melville, Western Australia).

Part of the Melville Storylines Festival.

August 24, 2023 - Clown Girl – Roll Up, Roll Up



Footnote:  Boots arrived (during the pandemic isolation in March, 2020).  In the early stage of the drawing, Boots was leaning against the globe, ground to a halt.  But as the drawing progressed, the continents became stars.  The biggest, falling right on top of Boot’s head.  Stuck, she became in the –  ‘in-between’.

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August 14, 2021 - Boots The Clown – World’s Greatest Act Part II

Boots arrived in response to the pandemic …





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August 9, 2021 - Boots On The Street



(‘Boots the Clown.  World’s Greatest Act’.  Arrived out of isolation 2020.  Pakenham Street, Fremantle).


World’s Greatest Act Story Part I.

Caught in a spin, under lights left on, the crowd piled high in competition and clutter.  Until one, not so surprising day, an invisible curtain crept up.  ‘At last’, the big top moaned.  The crowd no longer applauded mindless acts.  The performance was over.

Finally, in tune with the, ‘Going, going, gone’, the crowd rose to reunite through the hands of a clock ticking.  Together again, they would perform the world’s greatest, most death defying act of all time …

Boots the Clown Series. 

July 16, 2021 - Boots The Clown – World’s Greatest Act Part I

Boots the Clown, World’s Greatest Act is a story of comfort and hope during COVID times.  Boots arrived during lock down early 2020.  Please know you can freely share and pass on this link to others and print out the poster or concertina book/story panel.  Video instructions on Instagram @browneink.



Free to print A4 posters/concertina book, with instructions (below and above).  Print, frame or stick up story panels.  Make a concertina book for window sills, desks, mantle pieces – do something of your own.  Free to print A3 poster.



The World’s Greatest Act Part I…


‘Boots’ the Clown was a worrier (underneath).  Boots worried about all the troubles right around the world.  Boots worried it was getting harder and harder for those struggling to be heard and seen amidst the din of selling, frenzy of buying and the glare of celebrity.



Endlessly, Boots worried about the children.  The fires.  Trees.  Animals.  The ocean.  The air.  And that one day, everything would be lost.  All of these worries felt impossible to do anything about.  Until, one strange day, the curtain went up.

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