Army of ink Curtain Curtsy


army of ink curtain curtsy


I dance and spin in my lovely new dress.  When I turn to smile, I see empty seats.  Now I rise up on tippy toes to see where they don’t want me to go.  Touch the sky without a hand.  Dance wrapped in velvet.  Curtsy to no applause  .

Footnote:   this ink  has many layers but essentially it’s about the need for approval.   Allowing others to define who we are.  And who we are being defined by another’s definition of success, value or worth.    It also speaks of oppression.   Serves as a reminder to hold tight to self belief.   And it reveals the often undetected partner in oppression.  One where silence and inaction deliver equally powerful and crushing  messages of disapproval.   Ultimately, it suggests that striving to be independent and self reliant may reward us with a far greater sense of achievement, and sense of self,  than being who others would like us to be – endlessly performing.   

See also, ‘Bags The Back Seat’, ‘Rock Star’.

(Reposted from 2009.  Originally in ‘Rock The Boat’ handmade book, 2009, handwriting by Mags.  Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019.)