
January 10, 2017 - Keep Imagining



lennon type


(Reposted from 2012).

November 19, 2016 - Army of Ink Because She Mattered




November 12, 2016 - Army of Ink Dance For You


army of ink put your dress down

Put Your Dress Down .

Shame on you, and you, and you.  Hiding truth.   Not feeling lies.  I lifted up – they put me down.   I got gobbled up by cracks in frowns.  Now I wear no silky touch.   Or dish out shouts, it hurts too much.   Duck for cover or run and hide.  I bare nothing more than those who lied.  Play in pages nice to look.  Connect up pieces they once took.    And when I spin maybe they’ll see.  But it’s not for them.   I dance for me.

(Reposted from 2011)

November 5, 2016 - Army of ink Tardis


DIARIES phonebox

It’s Coming From The Phone Box – Can Someone Else Get That Please.  

Footnote:  For those days when you don’t want to fight anything – or save anything.   There are so many things going wrong around the world and it’s natural to worry alot.  But it’s also okay to kick off the boots, and gloves and hang up the cape and take time to restore.  Or dream sweet dreams …..


Amelia Bloom dreamed … every street corner had a worry bank so everyone felt safe.


(‘Tardis’ reposted from 2009.  Both appear in Clunk & Jam book, 2019)

October 11, 2016 - Bob on Destiny


bob dylan art


Bob Dylan On the meaning of destiny (pictured Bob Dylan’s art)

“It’s a feeling you have that you know something about yourself, that nobody else does.  The picture you have in your mind of what you’re about will come true.  It’s kind of a thing you kind of have to keep to your own self because it’s a fragile feeling and you put it out there and somebody will kill it.  So it’s best to keep that all inside.”

(From CBS 60 Minutes interview 19th November).

October 10, 2016 - Children’s Hospital Talk


beyond reach


Art Therapist, Claudia Richards and myself will being talking on the topic of ‘Creativity In Recovery’ at an event held at Princess Margaret Childrens Hospital organised by Bridges Eating Disorder Association for Mental Health week.  Bridges invites individuals, carers, clinicians and community members interested in recovery from negative body image and eating disorders. When?  This Thursday 13th October. 5-6.30pm  Where?  Princess Margaret Childrens Hospital, Conference Room, Psychological Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital, Roberts Road, Subiaco.  RSVP[email protected]  FREE event.  Image from book, ‘In My Room’.