She grew tired of being so nice.
Footnote story: When you’re a nice person who is caring, kind and considerate of other people’s feelings. It’s quite a blow when you come into contact with people who aren’t nice. Sometimes cruel and hurtful. Careless with their words – and the feelings of others. It can knock you flat.
But then you get back up and learn to be a bit more economical with your niceness. Careful about the amount of good energy you give to certain people and ensure it goes where it is safe,respected and appreciated. And when you feel how bad the opposite to nice feels, you realise just how important it is in the world.
(Clunk & Jam book 2019).
Feeling the toll of the count, Flipper Girl settled high above the broken. Long after the taken. And many rungs up from the struggle. Now it was her turn to Rock.
(Reposted from 2015. Flipper Girl appears in Clunk & Jam, 2019 book. Pictured, Ash)
Flipper Girl left troubled waters in her wake to see beyond the folly, the froth, and the fear inducing fog.
(Clunk & Jam 2019, book)
Flipper Girl called a truce with things gone wrong and pegged herself a spot (brand new) where she could bask in the bubble of surrender.
Clunk & Jam book
The boat ceased to rock.
Flipper Girl snipped ball and anchor and cast away from the sinking of boats rocked. Minding her own future and sheltering in relatively calm and trouble free aquariums.
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She’s no damsel in distress – in her upside down clown dress.
Nothing seemed to fit. Having tried on so many ways of being herself, she finally reached the exhausting conclusion that maybe all the things she was trying on were just way too big for her. And maybe she’d just have to tailor make her own little world where she could be her entirely unique, odd and small, good self.
Clunk & Jam Book.