
September 28, 2018 - Bags The Back Seat


army of ink bags the back seat 

Footnote:   Not everyone is confident socially.  And if you’re someone who is comfortable in their own company, often others aren’t comfortable with that.  And a lot of kids get bullied because they don’t fit in too.   The ultimate place to get to perhaps if you’re a ‘Bags the back seat’ person is being quietly confident, solidly grounded in your own place – despite the reactions and views of those around us.

Society generally looks down on the ‘loner’ too.  Those who are different, those who live in their own quiet company.  And for those who like all the attention, there’s something unsettling, almost threatening, about the quiet observer—one who looks on.  Doesn’t join in.   This ‘Ink’ also raises questions about position and status.  What comes to mind are things like, ‘working your way to the top’, ‘climbing the ladder’,  ‘securing the lead role’, being ‘top of the class’, ‘first over the line’, ‘making it to the top’ and ‘rising star’.  And you’ll have more of your own to add.  But the back seat has it’s advantages, particularly the seat on the isle – at least have the freedom to get up and leave.

(Reposted from 2009.   Originally in ‘Rock The Boat’ book, 2009.  Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019.)

September 11, 2018 - Army of ink Curtain Curtsy


army of ink curtain curtsy


I dance and spin in my lovely new dress.  When I turn to smile, I see empty seats.  Now I rise up on tippy toes to see where they don’t want me to go.  Touch the sky without a hand.  Dance wrapped in velvet.  Curtsy to no applause  .

Footnote:   this ink  has many layers but essentially it’s about the need for approval.   Allowing others to define who we are.  And who we are being defined by another’s definition of success, value or worth.    It also speaks of oppression.   Serves as a reminder to hold tight to self belief.   And it reveals the often undetected partner in oppression.  One where silence and inaction deliver equally powerful and crushing  messages of disapproval.   Ultimately, it suggests that striving to be independent and self reliant may reward us with a far greater sense of achievement, and sense of self,  than being who others would like us to be – endlessly performing.   

See also, ‘Bags The Back Seat’, ‘Rock Star’.

(Reposted from 2009.  Originally in ‘Rock The Boat’ handmade book, 2009, handwriting by Mags.  Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019.)

August 30, 2018 - Army of Ink Rock The Boat


army of ink rock the boat


Rock The Boat .

Rock, rock, rock the boat hear the grownups scream.   Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily – now we’re heard and seen.

This little soldier tells the story of speaking up and sticking up for herself rather than keeping quiet, conforming – not rocking the boat.  Maybe she’s always avoided rocking the boat because it was easier to just keep the peace, continue being whoever everyone expected and wanted her to be.  Now I think she’s ready to break away from ‘how it’s always been’.  Experience has taught her that things might get rough but she’s well equipped to stay afloat.  I’m not certain where she’s going?  Maybe she’ll dive down into the depths of her nautical soul.  Or bob around in the sea pondering her fate.   Do a spot of synchronized swimming.  Paddle to shore and bask on a sunlit island for one.  And maybe the plank she’d always been made to walk for the trouble she caused is now a diving board from which she can launch herself into the unknown – the sea of possibility.   To be continued no doubt ….


(Reposted from 2009.  Originally in ‘Rock The Boat’ handmade book.   Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019)

August 25, 2018 - Army of Ink Can’t Have My Cake


army of ink wish upon a cake

You Can’t Have My Cake – And Eat It Too .

Finally she’s digging her heels in.  Putting herself first.  Not dishing up more and more of herself to be swallowed up by those who want a piece of her.  And the candle that were once the lighthouse to her fragile soul are all burnt out.  Now she celebrates (alone again), licking her fingers in sweet delight.



Footnote:  This ‘Ink’ arose from the question:  “Why do we place the needs of others above our own?”(Originally from the handmade book, ‘Rock The Boat’ book.  Handwriting by Mags.  Reposted from 2012.  She now appears in Clunk & Jam book, 2019.)


August 8, 2018 - Wisdoms of Rose Bat Girl


Wisdoms of Rose Bats out

Rose doesn’t give much away – but tells it like it is.

Rose is a great observer of reality.  She has altering points of view about what she sees which she states clearly without any expectation of popularity, reply – or following.  Rose’s preferred working and living environment is that of real and natural surrounds, beyond suburbia when possible or in her humble and slightly untidy home – with windows wide open.  Long Live Rose.   View previous Roses here.

(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam 2019 books.  Reposted from 2013).


July 25, 2018 - Robin Small Answers


robin small answers


Robin Small struggled to find what seemed so forever elusive – the answer .

Footnote:  Robin seems to hold a flag for the sense of wonder and mystery that was more afforded in years gone by, than in our world today.   Answers don’t always come easy, and sometimes there aren’t answers to everything.  But Robin, although struggling, doesn’t seem (entirely) defeated by the struggle.  Or the elusiveness of answers.  He’s tentative?  Undecided?  Maybe ready to step or move?  And those new paths often open up from not giving up when there seems no answer, but by having the determination to keeping seeking and exploring and examining what doesn’t make sense.   Responding in your own way to whatever uncertainty arises and whatever struggle arises from it?

Clunk & Jam book (2019)