
April 20, 2021 - Buy Into It – Or Not


Repost from 2014.  Before social media added to the erosion of self…


buy into it or not


Image by Banksy.  Text below by Kalle Lasn, Founder of Adbusters Media Foundation.  Source:  ‘The Gruen Transfer’ book.

“Rather than child proofing the world, we need to world proof our children” *


“There’s anything between 1000 and 3000 marketing messages entering the average brain every day.  I believe our brains are simply not capable of absorbing that level of advertising.  One of the reasons advertising causes mental illness is because of the weight of that onslaught, the sheer number of hits to the brain.

And then, on a secondary level, many ads are psychologically abusive.  Many ads amount to emotional blackmail.  Ads point out flaws in your personality, in your body, in the way you dress, the way you live, and then once they have made you feel inadequate, they say, ‘Okay, we have the solution to your problem.  Buy this.’  If this happens consistently, it erodes your self-confidence and turns you into an anxious human being.


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November 22, 2020 - Get To Know Loneliness

Sometimes you find something that makes perfect sense of how you’re feeling – and you find some relief in that …



See also The Dark Side of Social Media. Search ‘Kurzgesagt’ for more videos.


November 13, 2020 - The year that went STOP

November 10, 2020 - Dark Side of Social Media


A very important documentary. If you have children, consider watching it with them.  Lots of practical takeaways for your (and your children’s) security and mental health when using social media.  To watch obligation free on Netflix, you can subscribe for a month’s free trial, then opt to unsubscribe before the free trial expires.

November 4, 2020 - Stories Are Important

A reminder of how stories connect us to the world and ultimately, the power of kindness . . .

The story of Bambert – an impossibly small man with an enormous love for writing. Tucked away in his quiet attic, his only companions are the characters he has created in his stories.  And then one day, Bambert decides to set his stories free, to send them out into the world on little hot air balloons in the hope that they will find a home.  From Barking Gecko Theatre.

October 14, 2020 - Why Have Our Children Stopped Dancing



why children stopped dancing


‘Why Have Our Children Stopped Dancing’….

Reposting this article which was written in 2007 reflecting on a presentation I gave at CAYPAKS (Children and Young People and Key Stakeholders) Convention, and Eating Disorder Prevention and Treatment Conference (2008), titled ‘Why Have Our Children Stopped Dancing’.

Now, 13 years on, particularly in COVID times, it seems even more relevant …

Imagine…..what if we could wave a magic wand to help young people feel better about themselves what would that world look like?  Dr Who and his time machine, the Tardis, immediately came to mind.  I wondered whether I’d choose to travel into the future or past in search of a place that nurtured the growth of children?

With the good old days in mind, I ventured down memory lane . . . It was a time before automation, technology and mass media had stolen children’s creativity, curiosity and the opportunity for them to build a bank of experiences that develop character, strength and resilience—give life purpose and meaning.  A culture where the qualities of kindness, innovation, creativity, community involvement, authenticity, and a social and environmental conscience were considered as valuable, if not more so, as a university degree and a six figure salary.

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