As the catch of responsibility drifted out of the saving, there was little left for Flipper Girl to do except wonder beyond the fishbowl of seriously fogged goggles.
(Flipper Girl Series appears in Clunk & Jam book, 2019).
Flipper Girl arrived in 2015. Taking responsibility for others, or when others don’t take responsibility for what they’ve done, can be heavy business. Until someone like Flipper Girl taps you on the shoulder and says; “Hey, it’s not your fault.” And takes you on a trip to a new place….
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Rose was free from the labour of smiling .
Rose is void of any necessity to feel something she doesn’t – like eternal happiness. She’s actually quite comfortable within a full and complex range of emotions and how, where and when they may appear on her face, in mind – or in public. Rose feels no obligation to make miraculous recoveries from emotional disturbances either. Long Live Rose.
Footnote: Imagine if more people felt more comfortable saying how they really felt, and more people felt more comfortable listening to (and accepting) how others feel. We might all feel a little better – and less uncomfortable about feeling (and revealing) our true emotions.
(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam, 2019 books. Reposted from 2013).

Tired of moving mountains, Flipper Girl settled for being strategically productive, leaving all responsibility (not of her own kind) up the muddy creek.
(Clunk & Jam book, 2019 Edition).
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There was no turning back.
It felt like a painful split but in reality it was a gradual manoeuvre she was sort of certain of pulling off.
(Reposted from 2016. Clunk & Jam, 2019 book).

Rose was a complete stranger to rejection because she never gave anything away – and what she had wasn’t up for grabs .
Rose keeps close to chest the many varied and precious pieces that make up her belongings – and herself. This commitment and loyalty she exhibits ensures Rose remains a one and only, high creative traveler of poetic and art-filled paths – to wherever she happens to arrive. Long Live Rose.
(Wisdoms of Rose and Clunk & Jam, 2019 book. Reposted from 2013)

Virtual Cake Shop .
Wonder about the disconnect within the world of screens …
Imagine….peering through a cake shop window. The longing. The want. The drool. A space you desire to enter – and know you can. Through the glass, see the temptations before you. Grasp the definite depth and dimension of space occupied by cake on tray and shelf – in mind. Feel the common ground you share – the inside and out. The reality of the moment, not before or beyond, but right before your eyes.
Stand fixed to the common ground between you (cake and mouth), in a world you both belong – sliced in temporary two. Now imagine … the shelves begin to move towards you. The box space of the window flattens to a screen. And the place through which you were once connected, narrows to nothing.
Gone…. is the act of entering through a welcoming door into the warm space of another. The possibility for taste, sniff and touch. Gone … are we on a ‘pie crust promise’ from an endless space. Gone … is reality. The time and space to sit and wonder. And wonder we should, if the loss includes the joy of personal discovery. The capacity for the mind to bend, stretch and strengthen through real lives fully and truly lived. Going, going, gone is the wisdom once held by the earth and sky of a planet in no rush.
Then….’Ding-a-ling’ goes the bell on the cake shop door and you step into the faithfulness of the sniff and taste – and touch.
Footnote: Photo taken in St Kilda, Melbourne. A ‘pie crust promise’ is a Mary Poppins line – ‘Easily made – easily broken’.
Find in Clunk & Jam book.