
October 30, 2019 - Amelia & Robin At Planet



Thanks again to Planet Books for the wall space at the rear of the bookshop for Robin and Amelia.




October 24, 2019 - Army of Ink Mind Your Language


army of ink smily face 3


What’s with all the smiley faces – things are not really that great.

The one thing she disliked most was false optimism  🙂   And it was making its mark everywhere, particularly in emails and text messages  🙂  Sometimes people even shouted happiness :)!!! But was all this just a disguise?  Were people really that happy  :/  She sensed the world increasingly turning away from those who weren’t feeling all that happy right now 🙁   Opting for the pretense of living fairy tale lives:)  That made her feel sad.  🙁   As did the effect of so many colons and wrong way brackets consuming a perfectly good language.

See this Rose who is free from the labor of smiling.  This Rose about dealing with all matters of the emotional kind.  This Rose is curious about the origin of sadness.

(Clunk & Jam book 2019)


October 23, 2019 - Fitzroy Book Library



Donated some copies of Clunk & Jam, Wisdoms of Rose, cards and paste-ups to Condell Growers and Sharers community library and vege garden in Condell Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne.




October 20, 2019 - Army of Ink Authority on Self


Army of ink 94 authority on self

Dump The Damsel .

She dismissed the damsel in distress and became the authority on herself.  She also had any dull idea of becoming a star, well and truly covered.  In conclusion:  A sturdy resistance to being dumbed down, could well be her greatest achievement.

(Clunk & Jam book, 2019.  Reposted from 2013)

October 10, 2019 - Love You Clunk & Jam


(Clunk & Jam second edition 2019).

Love You Clunk & Jam

When you’ve come from a place of hurt and brokenness and you have lost much and you have these stories and a whole bunch of imaginary friends who continually show up for you no matter what and help you put things back together and you prefer keeping to yourself because when you’ve been hurt or broken you fear the world like nothing else and all the things that could possibly go wrong (again) and you’re fragile and exquisitely sensitive and you want to protect that very precious breakable thing and hiding away feels majorly comfortable and showing yourself feels like being dropped out of a multi-story building but you take fear’s hand and in the other the most strength giving thing you have and together you venture beyond the hurt and brokenness and you’re mildly terrified and slightly excited but you have everything you need to take that brand new step as the one you’ve put back together again and no one can take that from you and you’ve made it and you know from now on you’ll keep on making it and you’ll never be alone again I love you Clunk & Jam .

Clunk & Jam’s Story …

Clunk & Jam evolved from an idea (back in 2008) to create a street newspaper, a printed way to share the art and stories from The Black Dog Project website.  This was with some good people who kindly created the Black Dog website – Mike Cairns, Che Douglas and Kareen.  Stormie Mills and Miso were some of the artists who kindly agreed to contribute artwork.


(Wingnut Version, 2010).

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October 8, 2019 - Black Dogs Break ups and Drawing