
October 10, 2019 - Love You Clunk & Jam


(Clunk & Jam second edition 2019).

Love You Clunk & Jam

When you’ve come from a place of hurt and brokenness and you have lost much and you have these stories and a whole bunch of imaginary friends who continually show up for you no matter what and help you put things back together and you prefer keeping to yourself because when you’ve been hurt or broken you fear the world like nothing else and all the things that could possibly go wrong (again) and you’re fragile and exquisitely sensitive and you want to protect that very precious breakable thing and hiding away feels majorly comfortable and showing yourself feels like being dropped out of a multi-story building but you take fear’s hand and in the other the most strength giving thing you have and together you venture beyond the hurt and brokenness and you’re mildly terrified and slightly excited but you have everything you need to take that brand new step as the one you’ve put back together again and no one can take that from you and you’ve made it and you know from now on you’ll keep on making it and you’ll never be alone again I love you Clunk & Jam .

Clunk & Jam’s Story …

Clunk & Jam evolved from an idea (back in 2008) to create a street newspaper, a printed way to share the art and stories from The Black Dog Project website.  This was with some good people who kindly created the Black Dog website – Mike Cairns, Che Douglas and Kareen.  Stormie Mills and Miso were some of the artists who kindly agreed to contribute artwork.


(Wingnut Version, 2010).

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October 8, 2019 - Black Dogs Break ups and Drawing



September 19, 2019 - The Fringe


the fringe


The drypoint print titled, ‘My Secret is Out’ (original in colour), by Shana James .

‘Coming Home’.

Shana’s art titled, ’My Secret is Out’, seems to strongly reflect the struggle of ‘fitting in’, of feeling like an outsider, but also the comfort and content of being alone with one’s self – in your own space and world.

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September 14, 2019 - Thumbs Up To Nice Guys



Imagine a world that encouraged and valued nice guys…..Check out The Black Dog Story about difference.  And think about Good Difference and Strange Difference.

September 8, 2019 - Army of Ink Smacked Bottom




Even a smacked bottom deserves a seat .

Footnote:  We all start out worthy little humans. Deserving of love and care – and our own special seat. But sometimes things go wrong. Don’t go to plan. You make mistakes. Maybe you don’t turn out like you thought you would. Or how others thought you would. Sometimes other people treat you badly. And it’s catchy because you end up treating yourself badly too. 

And then this little girl taps you gently on the shoulder and sits you back down in your goodness. And with this kind gesture, you are reminded of the worthy little human you started out as. And so you put the brakes on all the punishing , beating yourself up business. And reintroduce that little human to the love and care that is, and always has been, most definitely deserved.

(Clunk & Jam book 2019).

September 1, 2019 - Fremantle Art Centre Book Installation



To coincide with the opening of the 2019 Fremantle Art Centre Print Award,  a display including the new edition of Clunk & Jam will be in FOUND.  Thank you to India for putting so much time and love into setting up the display and Pia for the very warm support – always.