
June 1, 2020 - An Impossible Step



super hero


Ever wished you were a Super Hero and could save the world, but you can’t, so you’ve all but given up on yourself.  Then someone tells you a story about a French tightrope walker who strings a wire between the Twin Tower buildings in New York.  As her prepares to step onto the wire, he turns to his loyal companion and says;

“This is impossible – so let’s get started.”

An you string that wire across the gap between your dream and reality – and it forever holds you in your dreaming.



super hero joker


Then you watch a Batman movie, ‘The Dark Knight’, and the Super Hero himself succumbs to the darkness.  But it is the wise words of the loyal Butler that serve to resurrect the Bat;

“Master Wayne – we must endure.”

And you slip them into your back pocket.



super hero


Poem in building ?

It is the Joker who hides behind powder and paint.   Wearing boots too big to move too far and an endless grin that sucks you in.   It is the night so black that brings the bat to beat some sense into a head so full it takes on the form of another.

Find in Clunk & Jam book.  True story about the French tight rope walker here.

May 14, 2020 - Amelia Bloom – Home & Peace Maker



Amelia Bloom dreamed … she could divide the world up evenly so everyone had a place – and noone ever went without. 

Footnote:  This Amelia Bloom message arrived in response to homelessness and all people who are marginalised and made to suffer for their difference.  And her dream goes beyond a physical place, a home, for all.  She dreams all human beings get to experience a sense of connectedness and belonging.  To feel and be – safe.

May 14, 2020 - A Date With Use-By


(Clunk & Jam book.  All content from book freely available in Black Dog’s blog here.)


April 18, 2020 - Think Different


black dog


Why didn’t the Black Dog cross the road?  Because he wanted to wonder a while at the masses marching in blind faith.

Why didn’t the Black Dog cross the road?  Because green’s not always right – and red’s not always wrong.

Why didn’t the Black Dog cross the road?   Because he wasn’t ready to go yet.

(See also ‘Good Difference’, ‘Being Different Is No Joke’, ‘Difference Matters‘.

(Clunk & Jam book)

April 5, 2020 - Today Over Tomorrow


Stormie Mills Clown


(Art & words kindly from, Stormie Mills.  Instagram @stormiemills.  Original in colour).

‘A tra poco’ lets take a short break, from destroying our planet, listen to those that will inherit it, learn from the indigenous cultures of the past and see the future in a better way, let’s do more, let’s act, let’s ask those that are in ‘power’ to act on our behalf, repeatedly, or let’s change them out for those that will, let’s stop this circus of stupidity that values today over tomorrow.

April 3, 2020 - Be Like a Squirrel


squirrel story


The Squirrel Story  (from The White Stripes album ‘Elephant’, track 10).

When problems overwhelm you and sadness smothers us where do we find the will and the courage to continue?  Well the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend.  A chance encounter with a book.  Or from a personal faith.  For Janet, help came from her faith but it also came from a squirrel.  Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her Father.  Then her job.  She had mounting money problems.  Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says life is good again.

How could this happen?  She told me that late on Autumn day when she was at her lowest, she watch a squirrel storing up nuts for the Winter.  One at a time he would take them to the nest.  And she thought, if that squirrel can take care of himself – so can I.  Once I broke my problems into small pieces, I was able to carry them – just like those acorns.  One at a time.