
January 10, 2022 - Strength In Wild Imagination



Small is Good.

When the wild things contemplate eating Max, he tells them they can’t eat him because he’s a King.  “But you’re so small.”  They reply.  “Small is good.”  Explains Max.  “My powers are able to slip right through the cracks.”  “But what if the cracks are closed up?”  Ask the wild things.

“Then I have a recracker which goes right through that.”  “But what if they have some sort of material that recrackers can’t get through?”  “Then I have a double recracker that can get through anything in this whole universe and that’s the end.  And there’s nothing more powerful than that – ever.  Period.”

When Max tells the wild things he can make everything right.  They ask, “What about loneliness?  Will you keep out all the sadness?”  Max says, “I have a sadness shield, that keeps out all the sadness.  It’s big enough for all of us.”

( ‘Clunk & Jam Book, 2019.  Film, ‘Where The Wild Things Are’, 2009.  Original story and book by Maurice Sendak, 1963.  Reposted from 2011).


October 29, 2021 - Robin Small – Wearing The Hurts


robin small arrows


‘Robin Small wandered wide in avoidance of – all things hard to touch.’

(Reposted from 9.10.2018)

Footnote:  The initial thread of Robin’s story ‘avoidance of all things hard to touch’, might elude to the trouble he has getting close, or being close with others.  Touching – or being touched.  Feeling the pain of loss or disappointment.  His avoidance of feeling things at all?  Maybe Robin Small finds it difficult to connect with things deep within himself?   But maybe he’s also contemplating taking a small step towards trusting again – taking a risk?

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November 16, 2020 - Army of Ink Wings On Feet


Army of ink 94 wings on feet

Imagine having wings on your feet….

You’d never be trodden on again.  You’d be able to see exactly what was coming.  Where you were going.  And always have a safe place to fly up, up and away from it all.  

Footnote:   Sometimes imagining we have super powers or a super power watching over us can get us through a tough spot (Mary Poppins ‘spit, spot’ comes to mind).  Wings on feet?  Astro Boy?  Maybe it leaves her hands free?  To do what?  Take the world off her shoulders perhaps?  But there’s no world in the drawing?  Maybe others can’t see how much the weight of the world affects her – she feels it alone.   Or could it be a muscle man (woman) pose?  Flexing her muscles and being strong?  Or it could be a shrug – ‘I don’t know, don’t ask me? I don’t have all the answers.’   And with wings on her feet she’s forever safe from falling – being hurt.  Up, up and away is such a comforting thought when things get tough.

(Clunk & Jam book, 2019.  Reposted from 2014).

June 13, 2020 - Amelia Bloom – Dreamer By Trade



Amelia Bloom understands how broken everything is, yet she remains invested in her dreaming, not only for herself, but for everyone else.

Amelia Bloom’s French flavoured imagination paints a beautiful picture of a world full of hope and peace.  She gently reminds us of the magic of dreaming and its ability to create a better world – both real, and imagined.



amelia bloom worry bank 4

Amelia Bloom dreamed every street corner had a worry bank so everyone felt safe.




amelia bloom cloud 1

amelia bloom cloud 2

Amelia Bloom dreamed flowers grew in clouds and their petals flew to all the dark corners of the world.

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June 2, 2020 - Difference Matters



Black Dog story 1

It began with a Black Dog who, much like the fabled little black duck – was different.


black dog story 2

Unaccepted for his difference he sought refuge in dark places.


black dog story 3

In time, the darkness revealed others sheltering in the shadows that drew reflections of himself.


black dog story 4

In the belonging, he gained the strength to raise a hand above the nodding and question why suffering souls too often go unheard.


black dog story 5

Burdened by the silence and neglect, he began to bark loudly despite those troubled by the noise.


black dog story 6

And when backs were turned to bury all that had been found – Black Dog continued digging for all that had been lost.


black dog story 7

Hope grew from every hand that gave purely for the giving.  And so, despite colour and size and the absence of wealth, and with the friends that followed…


black dog story 8

…Black Dog claimed a space for those who may never fit, in a world too big for most.  Those who seek to move beyond minds too small.

black dog story 9

Those who seek freedom from the relentless pace of a world spinning way too fast to catch.


black dog story 14

Now, as the world continues to turn away from the darkness in favour of, “Have a nice days”‘ and all that’s shiny and new…


black dog story 15

…Black Dog continues to hold a place for all that’s lost and found .


black dog

The Black Dog Project Story.

Clunk & Jam Book.

June 1, 2020 - An Impossible Step



super hero


Ever wished you were a Super Hero and could save the world, but you can’t, so you’ve all but given up on yourself.  Then someone tells you a story about a French tightrope walker who strings a wire between the Twin Tower buildings in New York.  As her prepares to step onto the wire, he turns to his loyal companion and says;

“This is impossible – so let’s get started.”

An you string that wire across the gap between your dream and reality – and it forever holds you in your dreaming.



super hero joker


Then you watch a Batman movie, ‘The Dark Knight’, and the Super Hero himself succumbs to the darkness.  But it is the wise words of the loyal Butler that serve to resurrect the Bat;

“Master Wayne – we must endure.”

And you slip them into your back pocket.



super hero


Poem in building ?

It is the Joker who hides behind powder and paint.   Wearing boots too big to move too far and an endless grin that sucks you in.   It is the night so black that brings the bat to beat some sense into a head so full it takes on the form of another.

Find in Clunk & Jam book.  True story about the French tight rope walker here.