
May 17, 2010 - Hanky Panky

BLOG barbie

Now in my day ……  oh but it’s true, my B girl (note not plural – it was acceptable to just have one back then), had ski suits and full length ball gowns.  Now they’re wearing black guy traps and I’m not sure if that’s fake tan or an attempt to be politically correct?  If you’re a Ken then check out this one on male body image … and these articles written by ABC’s Geraldine Mellet … one on sexualising little girls … another about women’s magazines setting every woman up to fail when they look in the mirror.  Who holds the mirror is another related to this topic … OR click on the Body and Self Image in the TOPIC list on the right to view all articles on this topic.

May 15, 2010 - Bad-time stories


BLOG jack


‘Bad-time Stories’ article  by Phillip Adams(The Weekend Australian Magazine March 13-14, 2010)

“Remember the once-upon-a-time time?  When children were scared by fairy stories about giants and beanstalks and old crones with gingerbread cottages?  The macabre Punch and Judy have long since given way to cinema and television and “childhood innocence” is an oxymoron.  Thanks to screens big and little, kids are bombarded with brutal images pretty much as soon as they leave the labour ward.   And marketers are well on the way to sexualising children before they start kindergarten.

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April 27, 2010 - Army of Ink Poor Chook


DIARIES chook girl

Poor chook.

(Reposted from 2010.  Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019)

April 12, 2010 - Army of Ink Room For Us



Sometimes things don’t go the way I want them to, particularly when I forget to make room for us, not just me – us.

April 1, 2010 - Army of ink Rabbits on Sunday


Diaries easter

Don’t Go Out Into The Woods On Sunday.

March 28, 2010 - Queen Bully


queen of hearts


Did you know Helena Bonham Carter’s Mum is a Psychotherapist?  And shares her Mother’s sympathetic view of bullies saying … “Everybody has a heart and some people’s hearts have just been really damaged and they’ve forgotten how to love or feel lovable.   Anybody that tiny inside needs to make themselves feel bigger, so they put people down.”

Quote from Weekend Australian Newspaper Review 27-28 March.