Little Star .
When the lights go out I cannot see, but when I sit alone in the dark with the glow of real stars above, the warmth of the distance soothes the longing to be close. Now, when I go out into the woods at night, it’s not a star that will grant me my wish -it will be my own candle glowing in the dark.
Footnote: This little soldier is originally from the Rock The Boat handmade book. Which is what often happens when you endeavor to make personal change. Or when you tell the truth. It ‘rocks the boat’. The small, feathery space where she sits calmly with a single lit candle might suggest a quiet, personal vigil. One that reminds her to value herself and the small space and life she’s so painstakingly created. A space that keeps her protected from harm – her world snugly contained. Allows her to control when the ‘lights go out’ rather than the onset of darkness being manipulated by those around her.
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STOP! I want to get off!
Sometimes I go around and around and around – just in case I’ve missed something. This little girl was caught in a spin, going faster and faster fearing those waiting would lose faith in her ever finding her way. But when she did finally get to where she was going, she realised it was she who needed the lift. This discovery released her from the endlessness of the spin that nearly drove her mad and put the brakes on her frantic drive to continually deliver.
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Give It Back .
Sometimes people take things that belong to me. I’ll help you find it again.
(Find her in Clunk & Jam, 2019, ’21 Friends’ Series.)

Beauty Is Awake .
Some places were so dark she didn’t want to go there. But once she’d looked under the bed – she didn’t have to sleep in the middle anymore.
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, and along came a spider and she said; “Here. Pull up a seat.” For beauty is awake you see, to the stories they spin so she can’t break free. So now she sits in itsy, bitsy fright, dreaming sweet dreams in day and in night.
Find her in Clunk & Jam book.

Bags The Back Seat .
I like it up the back. Where I can see without them looking. Explore heads and collars. The strings of puppets. Sit unfrozen in a seat unworn. Read the whispers. Tip toe away when I want to go home.
(Originally from ‘Rock The Boat’ series. Now in Clunk & Jam book, 2019)

Sometimes she felt like a wind-up toy that’s lost its key .
Footnote: This ink arrived after a friend of mine told me this was how she was feeling. When I sent her the little girl she asked why the key was part of her head – and why so big? Maybe she’s showing us that the key’s actually been there all along. Perhaps she just lost sight of her own ability to get herself going again? Turn key not lost at all – just run down. Or she’s become unraveled by certain circumstances. The key to getting going again might be in questioning (and in future, avoiding) what initiated her current unraveled state? Well worth some further thought (as her large thinking cap might suggest).
(Clunk & Jam book, 2019)